Lineage 2 client update history

·3 min. read·

Lineage 2 is an online role-playing game developed by NCSOFT. The game immediately became one of the most successful projects in the MMORPG genre (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) and remained popular for many years.

It's hard to imagine, but the Lineage 2 game has been receiving updates for almost 20 years! 😳

Lineage 2 is a sequel to the game Lineage, released in 1998 ⚔️.

Lineage game poster - Wikipedia
Lineage game poster - Wikipedia

The first version of Lineage 2 was released in Korea on October 1, 2003. The global release of the game took place on April 27, 2004

Release dates are captured from Wikipedia based on the earliest update date (usually Korean).

Release dateNameCode
1 October 2003PreludeC0
28 January 2004Harbingers of WarC1
11 August 2004Age of SplendorC2
2 March 2005Rise of DarknessC3
26 October 2005Scions of DestinyC4
1 June 2006Oath of BloodC5
Release dateNameCode
13 December 2006InterludeCT0
16 August 2007The KamaelCT1
12 December 2007Hellbound (Kamael Plus)CT1.5
30 April 2008Gracia Part 1CT2.1
13 August 2008Gracia Part 2CT2.2
26 November 2008Gracia FinalCT2.3
3 June 2009Gracia Epilogue (Gracia Plus)CT2.4
3 February 2010FreyaCT2.5
7 July 2010High FiveCT2.6
25 August 2010High Five Part 2CT2.6
27 October 2010High Five Part 3CT2.6
15 December 2010High Five Part 4CT2.6
14 March 2011High Five Part 5CT2.6
Release dateNameCode
15 June 2011The AwakeningGD1
19 October 2011HarmonyGD1.5
11 January 2012TautiGD2
25 March 2012Glory DaysGD2.5
8 June 2012Echo
31 October 2012Power of the West Wind
28 November 2012Lindvior (Ruler of the West Wind)GD3
23 February 2013EpisodeonGD3.5
21 August 2013Valiance (Raiders)GD3.5
Release dateNameCode
31 December 2013Ertheia (Dimensional Strangers)EP1
25 June 2014Infinite Odyssey: Prelude to the Journey
27 August 2014Infinite Odyssey
10 December 2014Infinite Odyssey: Shadows of Light Part 1EP2
14 January 2015Infinite Odyssey: Shadows of Light Part 2
1 May 2015Underground (Infinite Odyssey: Hymn of the Soul)EP2.5
17 June 2015Infinite Odyssey: Will of the Ancients
9 September 2015HeliosEP3
18 May 2016Grand Crusade
31 August 2016Grand Crusade: Force BringerEP4
8 February 2017Salvation: First Chapter (The Page: Salvation)EP5
12 April 2017Salvation: The Gathering
29 November 2017Salvation - Etina's Fate (Orfen)
30 July 2018FafurionEP5.5
12 December 2018Fafurion Pt.1 (Prelude of War / Prologue)
27 September 2019Fafurion Pt.2 (Prelude of War Pt.2)
25 December 2019Winter of War (Prelude of War Pt.3)
22 April 2020Dawn of Heroes (Homunculus)
15 August 2020Tales Untold (Homunculus Ch.2)
3 March 2021Wild Horizons (Return of the Queen Ant)
30 June 2021Herald of Light (Return of the Queen Ant Ch.2)
Release dateNameCode
26 May 2021Master ClassD1.0
10 March 2022Storm of Terror (Master Class Ch. 2)
26 October 2022Hero’s Tome (Master Class Ch. 3)
29 March 2023Dethrone Fire (The Source of Flame)
23 May 2023Shine Make

Updated in 2023.

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