Sending GitHub updates to Discord via webhooks
Have you ever wanted to receive GitHub repository updates on your Discord server? Let's walk through a few simple steps... Read moreBitbucket password to clone a repo
Let's assume you already have a repository on Bitbucket, and you need to clone it locally. In the Bitbucket repository... Read moreHow to enable HTTPS on localhost for Node.js
Sometimes, you may need to secure your localhost to test certain things, such as OAuth. Let's figure out how to... Read moreYarn commands cheatsheet
In this article, I will describe the basic Yarn commands and their usage, using the popular lodash package as an... Read moreHow to use PM2 with Node.js
PM2 is a tool for managing Node.js processes, allowing for application clustering and load distribution across multiple CPU cores. It... Read moreHow to install Node.js on Ubuntu 20.04
As an example, I use VPS hosting with pre-installed Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. Keep in mind that there should be no... Read moreHow to get GIT repository URL from source folder
There are several ways to get the link to a GIT repository from the directory where the repository was previously... Read moreYarn vs NPM install speed comparison
Comparing the installation speed of Yarn and NPM packages across several projects of varying sizes.
NodeJS 14.21.3 (x64)
NPM 6.14.18
Yarn 1.22.19
Internet speed... Read moreHow to reinitialize multiple TinyMCE editors
At some point, there was a need to reload multiple TinyMCE editors on one page, but embedded in different components.
For... Read more